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The first year

IT”S FRIDAY! Well… not for me but I can still act excited for everyone else! 😉 I kind of miss being excited for Friday’s… but J has been great about sleeping until 8 this week – more sleep for me is great! Although I seem to stay up later. I try to get up before he does but our black-out blinds in our bedroom make that pretty much impossible.

What are your plans this weekend?

This was morning was busy – we had some workers come in the house from 10-12, and J and I couldn’t be in the house. Plans? Why, yes of course! The book store!

I scarfed down breakfast first.


Then we were off! I could be at the bookstore for hours – I love the smell, the look and feel of books! I saw so many books, mainly cook books =), that I would love to buy. But this one intrigued me:


Mostly vegan, all vegetarian, this book focuses on eating whole foods – right up my alley! Heidi has a website worth checking out: 101Cookbooks. It is just as good and well written as her cook book. If you are looking for a new cookbook and resource featuring wholesome and natural food, this is a must buy!

After J and returned back home I made myself a very yummy lunch!


Remember the spelt burgers I made a few weeks back? I froze the entire batch, individually wrapping them in plastic wrap. I wasn’t;t sure how they were going to hold up but they tasted just like the day I made them! I microwaved them for 30 seconds on each side and viola!


I spread a wedge of laughing cow light cheese, some Chalula hot sauce, avocado slices and sprouts.


I paired it with some steamed Brussels sprouts, green beans and Terra chips.

AND of course J was being his silly self!

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He will always be my little baby boy! =)


He is 15 months today! WOW! I am feeling a little nostalgic tonight and since most of you weren’t able to see his baby pictures, I thought I would share =) ENJOY!

Fresh from the oven!


1 month


2 months


3 months


4 months


5 months

jordan 5

6 months


7 months


8 months


9 months


10 months


11 months


1 year!


This is a video of him being oh so adorable right around 3 months

Dinner tonight was a repeat of yesterday’s lunch.


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I am off to eat a cup cake, embroider and relax! Marc has been so busy

the past week – he the head director of a huge high school wrestling tournament tomorrow. He is putting in a full night setting up then a full day of hosting – aka running around like a mad man!

Good night!


17 thoughts on “The first year

  1. I love that your breakfast included chocolate chips… I love it esp. because I do that too sometimes. :)J is so precious. Loved seeing all those pics (i LOVE LOVE the 1 month pic). He's got such big, bright blue eyes like my own two boys.

  2. I have not gone to the bookstore in months because I used to come with way to many books. I LOVE cookbooks and wish I could buy one a week. I tend to go on amazon and look for discounted ones.

  3. Your little one is amazing. I love him. That book is really beautiful, by the way. Good pick. I know what you mean about having no real reason to celebrate Friday, but doing it anyway. I usually work on the weekends, but I love Fridays too. 😀

  4. Your son is SO adorable. Those eyes! I actually made an outloud "Awww" sound when I saw the 8-month-old photo. Your lunch looks heavenly. Way to use those spelt burgers!Have a great weekend!

  5. You'll be so glad that you blogged about J, you'll be able to look back at it and it will just warm your heart with the memories! That is the number one advice I can give to parents, to write things down because you do forget! I am still planning to make those veggie burgers soon. They sound so delicious!

  6. He is the absolute cutest! Every time I'm at the book store I have to pull myself away from the cookbook section. My parents literally have a room full, it's fantastic!

  7. I kind of want blackout blinds, but I kind of like not sleeping til noon. Such a conundrum.Great pictures of J – some babies look like newborns for a few months before they really start to look like themselves but he's been adorable all along.Love that you had brussels with lunch 🙂

  8. aww J is so cute! happiness really does come in little packages (or growing ones in this case haha)!also, the way you prepared your spelt burgers looks fabulous. you make burgers look very gourmet :)have a lovely day!

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