clean eating · raw

What is more convenient than raw food?

I love eating raw food. Fruit, vegetables, nuts… and I know that my body feels amazing when I eat raw food. When I went vegetarian several years ago, it was a goal of mine to eat a vegan diet. Then it was a goal of mine to eat all raw. While I had great intentions to eat all raw, converting to an all raw diet was very intimidating, and I felt I wasn’t disciplined enough. I know that was a big fat excuse because anyone is capable of achieving their goals if they put in the effort. I was comfortable with eating a high raw – plant based diet and still eating cooked foods every once in a while. 


This brings me to the point I want to make: convenience. So many clients come to me and state that eating clean is not convenient. Sure it might take a bit more prep work but in the short end it is worth it. You will start to lose weight, feel amazing, have sustained energy and glow from the inside out IMMEDIATELY! When you eat whole foods, there is always prep time involved. Washing, cutting, cooking, storing… but isn’t your health worth the extra time and effort? YES IT IS! And if you are still thinking you don’t have time to prep your foods then maybe you should start doing some self examination. Figure out why you are not treating yourself better or think you are worthy of living a healthy, positive life. Need some help? Just ask me! 😉 It is what I do!

So when you think you don’t have time to eat clean, what is easier than picking up a piece of fruit like an apple, orange, banana or peach and eating it? Nothing! And yes, you can easily make a meal out of several pieces of fruit. If you are still new to clean eating this might not sound extremely appealing but I want you to start thinking outside of the processed food trap and understand that YOU are the one that is creating excuses to not eat healthier and live a healthier lifestyle. This might be harsh to some but you all know that I am transparent when it comes to eating clean. It’s not as hard or inconvenient as you might think!

orange juice2


OH! Check out my reusable produce and bulk in bags in my shop! These work perfect for market trips! Just keep them with your reusable grocery totes for eco-friendly shopping!


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